Tertius is a surrealist artist who was born in Overberg in the Western Cape, South Africa, being an avid lover of trees, rocks, rust and everything earthy, his trademarks are his take on trees and the moon, often in a desert-like setting. He also draws from the ocean depicting whales from his home town Hermanus, sharks and shipwrecks.
Tertius’s love of art has been lifelong, but he came to professional art only later in life when it became clear that what he was producing was not only greatly valued but also in high demand. It can take time for our best dreams to be realised……
Tertius uses mixed medium in his art but works mostly in acrylic on large canvas format. He says of his art, “I love wide open spaces, full of emptiness and peaceful solitude and I strive to bring this forward in my art”. Drawing from the beauty of the African landscape his imagination puts outwardly mismatched concepts together to create surrealistic gems “